Sunday, June 5, 2016

Keeping Rabbits Cool – Heat Stroke in Bunnies

 With the increasingly hot weather (In the USA), it is important to keep the rabbits cool, or they could easily get heat stroke. Heat stroke occurs when a rabbit overheats, and it most often occurs in the summer months of the year. Some symptoms of heat stroke in rabbits are:
•Mouth open and panting
• Disinterest in food (although if you have just fed your bunny a large plate of veggies, and now it is not eating his/her pellets, don't be worried.)
•Becoming lethargic
•Reddening of ears
If your rabbit has any of these symptoms, you need to take action ASAP. You need to take it to the vet or take other actions. If you can not get to the vet, mist your rabbits ears with water (you'll see why if you keep reading) and research the topic more. This is just an overview. Don't give your rabbit an ice water bath if you suspect heat stroke.

There are many methods to prevent heat stroke in rabbits, and here are some that I use. It is especially important to keep rabbits cool if they live out doors.

•Frozen water bottles, my bunny will lie next to and on cold water bottles. Some people use wrap socks around water bottles, because this usually encourages them to play with the water as well.
•Wetting rabbits ears. Rabbits ears heat up when they are hot, so if you keep the ears cool, you are keeping bunny cool. I coat my bunny's ear with cold water a few times a day and it helps manage my bun's body heat.
•Ice Packs, ice packs work the same purpose as the water bottles.
•Frequently changing bun's water. Your rabbit needs fresh and cool water in these hot months, and this requires water changes a few times a day.

I hoped this article helped you and your bunny out!

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